Together for Guitar
Thanks for visiting our Get Involved / Donate page!
The Houston Guitar Initiative is non-profit organization with an all-volunteer staff dedicated to promoting guitar education in schools and in the local community. We need volunteer assistance in these roles: Grant writing, Web design, Photography, Videography, Communications, Advertising, Sponsorship development, Volunteer management and Concert promotion. Please contact us at: Thank you for your interest in our projects!
DONATIONS are needed in any amount. Please consider our ongoing projects below. Thank you for your support.
Scholarships for students at the Summer Guitar Conservatory:
$95 pays for one student to attend our annual summer camp at a local Houston school inJune
This camp is free for the student regardless of any criteria!
For more info, click the Summer Guitar Conservatory,
To sponsor one (or more) students at the SGC this year please click here:
All donations are 100% tax-deductible!
We will follow-up with you by email to thank you for your donation and arrange to deliver your reward(s)!
Food, especially cooked food -- Lunch on Friday, June 21, 11:15 - 12:15, Cafeteria
Snacks, or quality baked goods --
Thursday, Closing Reception, after the concert and group photo, 2:30pm - 3:30pm, Cafeteria
Accessories: Guitar strings, Guitar tuners
Printing assistance (Color Programs, Certificates, T-Shirts)
Publicity assistance (Web site hosting)
Prizes: Guitar(s), Guitar-related items
Photography (especially final concert / group photo)
Instruments for schools:
$90 purchases one NEW high-quality classical guitar for use at a new or
expanding school program.
To donate instruments to schools, click the button below:
(Place "Instrument Grant" program in comment field)
We will follow-up with you by email to let you know which school and which teacher received the instruments you sponsored!
Teacher Training Project:
$150 pays for a teacher-trainer to make one visit to a new guitar program.
Our trainers work with the students and the teacher(s) at the school.
This training is open to any music teacher who applies for the project,
no guitar experience necessary.
To donate, click the button below:
(Place "Teacher Training" program in comment field)
We will follow-up with you by email to let you know which school and teacher received the training you sponsored!
Community Concert:
Consider sponsoring a House Salon Concert highlighting a true master of the guitar performing live in a local home.
We feature interaction with the guitar-aficionado audience to encourage education, inspiration and musical curiosity.
Local students and young professionals will also be featured at the concert.
To see information on our last House Concert, click our concert information page:
To donate, click the button below:
(Place "Community Concert" program in comment field)
We will follow-up with you to discuss planning and organizing the next Community Concert!
Each amount includes ALL REWARDS on that line and above.
Donation by check: checks made payable to Guitar Initiative, Inc. (Inquire for address)
Donation by eCheck or Transfer: Details can be arranged… Let us know.
These are the REWARDS available to sponsors of the Summer Guitar Conservatory.
If you would like to donate to a specific project, or a specific school, please contact our fundraising coordinator at:
We will follow-up with you about which project you'd like to fund, and after six months we will share with you a summative report of the project.
All donations are 100% tax-deductible.
On behalf of the students who will learn to play and achieve success on the guitar because of your donation,
THANK YOU SO MUCH for making their education possible!